Yilachew Getachew Chikol

Full Name Yilachew Getachew Chikol
Academic Rank Lecturer
Education Background
  • MSc in Structural Engineering from Southwest Jiaotong University (February 2019 to January 2022)
  • BSc in Civil Engineering from Debre Markos University (September 2012 to June 2018)
Working Experience
  • Lecturer at Injibara University from November 2022 to Present
  • Assistant lecturer at Injibara University from January 2020 to November 2022
  • Assistant lecturer at Borena University from September 2019 to January 2020
Research Interest
  • Structural MechanicsS
  • teel Structures
  • Concrete Structures
  • Dynamic Loading on Structures
  • Structural Applications of Composite Materials
  • Fire Effects on Structures and Materials
Address College of Engineering and Technology, Injibara University
Office: New Building, Room 302
Tel: +251 910448420
Email: yilachew2020@gmail.com/yilachew.getachew@inu.edu.et