Molla Kindie Shiferaw

Full Name Molla Kindie Shiferaw
Academic Rank Lecturer
Education Background
  • MSc from Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology(KIIT)  University (7/11/2008 E.C – 20/09/ 2010  E .C  or   July  14,  2016  G. C  to  June  7,  2018 G.C )
  • BSc in Computer Science  from Wollo   University  Kombolcha Institute of Technology (KIoT)  (07/3/2002 E.C – 29/10/2005 E.C
Working Experience
  • Head of Software Engineering  Department at Injibara University ( 17/02/2013 E.C   to Present)
  • Lecturer at Injibara University (26/ 05/2013 to Present)Lecturer at Wollo University (23/ 09/2010  to 25/05/2013 E.C )
  • Lecturer at  Wollo University (June 2017 to July 2019)Assistant  at  Lecturer Wollo  University (01/12/2006  to 07/11/2008 E.C )
  • Graduate at Assistant II  Wollo University (01/12/2005  to 01/12/2006 E.C )
Research Interest
  • Data Science and Big data Analytics
  • Cloud Computing and  Internet of Things(IoT)
  • Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
  • Software testing and  Analysis of Algorithm
  • “Code Generator for Model -Driven Software Development Using
    UML Models”-Publisher IEEE-ICECA- 2018, web

College of Natural and Computational Science,  Injibara University
Office:  Natural and Computational Science  Building, Office No: 206
Tel: +251 919472771