Full Name | Atsedemariam Andualem Mulu |
Academic Rank | Assistant Professor |
Education Background | BSc in Nursing from Wollo University (2012 to 2015)MSC in Adult Health Nursing from Debremarkos University (2017 to 2018) |
Working Experience | Graduate Assistant II at Wollo University (October 2015 to December 2016)Lecturer at Wollo University (June 2018 to August 2021)Assistant Professor of Adult Health Nursing at Wollo University (August 2021 to July 2022)Assistant Professor at Injibara University (July 2022 to Present) |
Research Interest | Adult HealthChronic DiseasesCommunicable and Non-communicable DiseasesNursing Care, Nursing Professionalism, Nursing Theory, Nursing Leadership and ManagementMental Health |
Publications | Andualem A, Gelaye H, Damtie Y. Adherence to Lifestyle Modifications and Associated Factors Among Adult Hypertensive Patients Attending Chronic Follow-Up Units of Dessie Referral Hospital, North East Ethiopia, 2020. Integrated Blood Press Control.2020; 13:145. https://doi.org/10.2147/IBPC.S275575Andualem A, Tegegne B, Ademe S, Natnael T,Berihun G, Abebe M, et al.COVID-19 infection prevention practices among a sample of food handlers of food and drink establishments in Ethiopia. PloS one (2022), 17: e0255551. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0259851.Atsedemariam, Andualem., Afework, Edmealem., Belachew, Tegegne., Lehulu, Tilahun., Yitayish, Damtie. (2020). Timely Initiation of Complementary Feeding and Associated Factors among Mothers of Children Aged 6-24 Months in Dessie Referral Hospital, Northeast Ethiopia, 2019.. Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, 2020:6756202-6756202. doi: 10.1155/2020/6756202Andualem A. Adherence to Antihypertensive Medications among Adult Hypertensive Patients attending Chronic Follow-Up Units of Dessie Referral Hospital, Northeastern Ethiopia: A cross-sectional study.http://dx.doi.org/10.1097/MD.0000000000026818Andualem A, Knowledge, attitude, practice and associated factors towards nursing care documentation among nurses in West Gojjam Zone public hospitals, Amhara Ethiopia, 2018. 10.29328/journal.cjncp.1001010Tarikuwa, Natnael., Yeshiwork, Alemnew., Gete, Berihun., Masresha, Abebe., Atsedemariam, Andualem., Sewunet, Ademe., Belachew, Tegegne., Metadel, Adane. (2021). Facemask wearing to prevent COVID-19 transmission and associated factors among taxi drivers in Dessie City and Kombolcha Town, Ethiopia.. PLOS ONE, 16(3) doi: 10.1371/JOURNAL.PONE.0247954Afework, Edmealem., Sr., Genet, Degu., Dessalegn, Haile., Mihretie, Gedfew., Bekalu, Bewket., Atsedemariam, Andualem. (2020). Sleep Quality and Associated Factors among Diabetes, Hypertension, and Heart Failure Patients at Debre Markos Referral Hospital, Northwest Ethiopia.. 2020:6125845-6125845. doi: 10.1155/2020/6125845Mihretie, Gedfew., Mulatu, Ayana., Abebe, Abate., Bekalu, Bewket., Dessalegn, Haile., Afework, Edmealem., Atsedemariam, Andualem. (2020). Incidence and Predictors of Tuberculosis among Adult Diabetic Patients, Debre Markos Referral Hospital, Northwest Ethiopia, 2018: A Retrospective Cohort Study.. Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity: Targets and Therapy, 13:869-878. doi: 10.2147/DMSO.S233564Lehulu, Tilahun., Birhanu, Desu., Mulusew, Zeleke., Kirubel, Dagnaw., Atsedemariam, Andualem. (2021). Emergency and Disaster Handling Preparedness Among Front Line Health Service Providing Nurses and Associated Factors at Emergency Department, at Amhara Regional State Referral Hospitals, Ethiopia.. Open Access Emergency Medicine, 13:221-232.doi: 10.2147/OAEM.S310932Tarikuwa, Natnael., Metadel, Adane., Yeshiwork, Alemnew., Atsedemariam, Andualem., Faris, Hailu. (2021). COVID-19 knowledge, attitude and frequent hand hygiene practices among taxi drivers and associated factors in urban areas of Ethiopia.. PLOS ONE, 16(8)doi: 10.1371/JOURNAL.PONE.0253452Zemene, Berhan., Asmamaw, Malede., Adinew, Gizeyatu., Tadesse, Sisay., Mistir, Lingerew., Helmut, Kloos., Mengesha, Dagne., Mesfin, Gebrehiwot., Gebremariam, Ketema., Kassahun, Bogale., Betelhiem, Eneyew., Seada, Hassen., Tarikuwa, Natnael., Mohammed, Yenuss., Leykun, Berhanu., Masresha, Abebe., Gete, Berihun., Birhanu, Wagaye., Kebede, Faris., Awoke, Keleb., Ayechew, Ademas., Akalu, Melketsadik, Woldeyohanes., Alelgne, Feleke., Tilaye, Matebe, Yayeh., Muluken, Genetu, Chanie., Amare, Muche., Reta, Dewau., Zinabu, Fentaw., Wolde, Melese, Ayele., Wondwosen, Mebratu., Bezawit, Adane., Tesfaye, Birhane, Tegegne., Elsabeth, Addisu., Mastewal, Arefaynie., Melaku, Yalew., Yitayish, Damtie., Bereket, Kefale., Zinet, Abegaz, Asfaw., Atsedemariam, Andualem., Belachew, Tegegne., Emaway, Belay., Metadel, Adane. (2021). Prevalence and associated factors of needle stick and sharps injuries among healthcare workers in northwestern Ethiopia.. PLOS ONE, 16(9)doi: 10.1371/JOURNAL.PONE.0252039Afework, Edmealem., Sewunet, Ademe., Atsedemariam, Andualem. (2021). Sleep quality and associated factors among patients with chronic illness at South Wollo Zone Public Hospitals, Northeast Ethiopia. The journal of nursing care, 5(1):043-050.doi: 10.29328/JOURNAL.CJNCP.1001036Tiliksew Liknaw Alemineh, Dejene Tsegaye Alem, Fentahun Minwuyelet, Setarg Ayenew Birhanie, Baye Tsegaye Amlak, Mengistu Benayew Shifraew, Atsedemariam Andualem, and Temesgen Ayenew. (2022). Determinants of Non-Disclosure to Sexual Partner among Human immune virus infected Adults on Anti-Retroviral Therapy Follow-Up Care at North Shewa zone public Hospitals in Oromia Region, Ethiopia. International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences: 100484. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijans.2022.100484Gete Berihun, Metadel Adane, Zebader Walle, Masresha Abebe, Yeshiwork Alemnew, Tarikuwa Natnael, Atsedemariam Andualem, Belachew Tegegne,Daniel Teshome and Lykun Birhanu. (2022). Access to and challenges in water, sanitation, and hygiene in healthcare facilities during the early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic in Ethiopia: A mixed-methods evaluation. PloS one 17, no. 5: e0268272. https://doi.org/10.1371 /journal. pone.0268272Damtie, Y., Kefale, B., Yalew, M., Arefaynie, M., Adane, B., Edmealem, A., & Andualem, A. (2021). Depressive symptoms and associated factors among HIV positive patients attending public health facilities of Dessie town: A cross-sectional study. PloS one, 16(8), e0255824. https://doi.org/10.1371 /journal. pone.0255824Damtie, Y., Kefale, B., Yalew, M., Arefaynie, M., Addisu, E., Birhan, T., Cherie, N., Adane, B., Melese, W., Bitew, G., Tadesse, E., Dewau, R., & Andualem, A. (2022). The effect of lack of ANC visit and unwanted pregnancy on home child-birth in Ethiopia: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Scientific reports, 12(1), 1490. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-05260-5Edmealem, A., Degu, S. G., Haile, D., Gedfew, M., Bewket, B., & Andualem, A. (2020). Sleep quality and associated factors among diabetes, hypertension, and heart failure patients at Debre Markos referral hospital, Northwest Ethiopia. Sleep Disorders, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/6125845Gelaye H., Andualem A. (2022). Quality of life and associated factors among family caregivers of individuals with psychiatric illness at DRH, South Wollo, Ethiopia. Scientific reports.Yitayish Damtie, Bereket Kefale and Atsedemariam Andualem. (2021). Magnitude of Postpartum Hemorrhage and Associated Factors among Women Delivered At Hidar 11 Hospital, Northeast Ethiopia. Ethiopian Journal of Reproductive Health, 13(4), 10-10.Tiliksew Liknaw, Mulugeta Tesfa, Mathewos Mekonnen, Tadele Kinati & Atsedemariam Andualem.( 2019). Determinants of Non-Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy Among HIV Infected Children Aged Less Than 15 Years in Debremarkos and Felegehiwot Referral Hospitals, Northwest Ethiopia. CPQ Medicine. https://www.cientperiodique.comGedfew, M., Dilie, A., Degenu, G., Haile, D., Yirga, T., Bewket, B., & Andualem, A. (2021). Incidence and Predictors of Sero-Conversion among HIV Discordant Couples at Amhara Region Selected Public Hospitals, Northwest Ethiopia, 2018: A Mixed Cohort Study. https://www.hilarispublisher.comEdmealem, A., Tsegaye, D., Andualem, A., Ademe, S., & Gedamu, S. (2020). Implementation of Compassionate and Respectful Health Care Service at Northeast Ethiopia: Patients’ Perspective. International Journal of Caring Sciences, 13(2), 991-1003. http://www.internationaljournalofcaringsciences.org |
Address | College of Medicine and Health Science, Injibara University Tel: +251925045070/+251991496738 Email; atsede01@gmail.comORCiD: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7291-5782ResearchGate: hhps://www.researchgate.net/profile/Atsedemariam-Andualem |