Fanu Woldemichael Mengsite

Full Name Fanu Woldemichael Mengsite
Academic Rank Lecturer
Education Background
  • PhD Candidate in Animal Production (Poultry Production stream) (December 2012 to present)
  • MSc in Animal Nutrition and Feed Processing from Debre Markos University (September 2016 to October 2018.
  • BSc in Animal Science from Debre Markos University (September 2014 to June 2016)
Working Experience
  • Lecturer,  Injibara University (Octobe 01, 2018 to Present)
  • Graduate Assistant II, Injibara University (July 01 to September 30, 2018)
Research Interest
  • Climate smart livestock production
  • Dairy Cattle production
  • Poultry Production
  • Sheep and Goat Production
  • Honey Bee Production
  1. Fanu Woldemichael, Melkamu Bezabih, Emana Getachew, 2019. Productivity and Egg Quality Traits of Sasso T44 Chicken in North Showa Zone, Ethiopia. Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences, 39(3): 6478-6486.;
  2. Fanu Woldemichael, Melkamu Bezabih, Emana Getachew, 2019. Some Management Practices of SassoT44 Chickens under Traditional Production System. Journal of Applied Sciences.19(2): 109-114. DOI: 10.3923/jas.2019.109.114



College of Agriculture, Food, and Climate Science, Injibara University
Tel: +251 942554556
