Bitew Mekuria Jember

Full Name
Bitew Mekuria Jember
Academic Rank Lecturer
Education Background
  • MSc. from Haramaya University (20/01/2008 E.C – 21/02/ 2010  E .C  )
  • BSc. in Information Science  from   University  of Gondar (21/02/2003 E.C – 29/10/2005 E.C)
Working Experience
  • Head of Information Technology at  Injibara University ( 01/09/2013 E.C   to Present)
  • Head of Information Science (07/02/2006-14/01/2007 E.C) and (13/10/2010 E.C – 30/02/2013 E.C) at Assosa University.
  • Lecturer at Injibara University (01/ 06/2013  E.C to Present)Lecturer at  Assosa University (22/ 02/2010 E.C   to 30/05/2013 E.C )
  • Graduate at Assistant II at Assosa  University (01/12/2006  E.C  to 01/12/2007 E.C )
  • Graduate at Assistant I at Assosa University (01/12/2005 E.C   to 01/12/2006 E.C )
Research Interest
  • Data Science and Big data Analytics
  • Knowledge sharing
  • Information Retrieval on the web and its Evolution.
  • Digital literacy  and social Networking
Completed research works
  •  Bibliographic Network of Academic Staff in Ethiopian Public Universities  according to  Web of Science Database (2012-2016)
  • Assessing the Effect of Information Literacy on Academic Performance in Assosa University Undergraduate Students 

College of Natural and Computational Science,  Injibara University
Office:  Building:04, Office No: 206
Tel: +251 918325946