Abera Ayalew

Full Name Abera Ayalew  Muluken
Academic Rank Lecture
Education Background
  • M.Sc. degree in Agricultural Economics from Bahir Dar University (October 2016 to June 2018)
  • B.Sc. degree in Agricultural Economics from Wollo University (October 2011-June 2014)
Working Experience
  • Lecturer at Injibara University (December 2020 up to now)
  • Lecturer at Woldia University (July 2018 to November 2020)
  • Graduate Assistant II at Woldia University (December 2015 to September 2016)Graduate Assistant I at Woldia University (November 2014 to November 2015)
Research Interest
  • Development Economics,
  • Agricultural Marketing,
  • Resource Economics,
  • Labour Economics, Health Economics and Environmental Economics.
  1. Ayalew, A., Tesafa, F., & Berhanie, Z. (2021). Determinants of maize (zea mays) supply to the market in northwestern Ethiopia. Asian Journal of Advances in Research, 4(1), 1309-1320(https://www.mbimph.com/index.php/AJOAIR/article/view/2642)
  2. Ayalew, A., Tesafa, F., & Berhanie, Z. (2020). Analyze Structure, Conduct, and Performance (SCP) of Maize Markets in Case of Alefa District Northwestern Ethiopia. at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/363369097
Address College of Agriculture, Food & Climate Science, Injibara University
Office: ICT Building/Block- 04, Room 306
Tel: +251 91 859 3208
Email: aberaay27@gmail.com