Demeke Alene Belay

Full Name Demeke Alene Belay
Academic Rank Lecturer
Education Background
  • MSc. In information science  from Haramaya university  (19/01/2008 E.C – 10/01/ 2010  E .C  or   September  29,  2016  G. C  to September  20,  2018 G.C)
  • BSc in information Science  from Haramaya  University   (09/3/2004 E.C – 05/11/2006 E.C
Working Experience
  • Graduate Assistant II  at Injibara University (01/12/2006  to 18/01/2008 E.C )
  • Lecturer at Injibara University (12/ 05/2010  to 30/04/2014 E.C )
  • Head of Department at University of Gondar ( 01/03/2011 E.C   30/04/2014 E.C)
  • Lecturer at Injibara University (01/ 05/2014 to Present)
Research Interest
  • Data Science and Big data Analytics
  • Knowledge Management
  • Machine Learning
  •  Impact of Information Communication Technology on Higher Educational and ODL Institutions: An Ethiopian Study. Publisher IJNIET- 2019
  • Hierarchical development of Library and Information Science Education in Ethiopia. Publisher IJNIET- 2019
Department of Psychology, College of Education and Behavioral sciences, Injibara University 
Office:  Natural and Computational Science  Building, Office No: 202
Tel: +251 918569686